Navigating the Markets: Views and Perspectives - Investor Summit Conference (Day 2)
Registration is now closed (this event already took place).
The Investment Management Club has invited key specialists in several areas to come to the LBS campus and share their views and perspectives with students. We will provide several opportunities to network with panellists and our guests visiting from other schools throughout the whole duration of the event!
Agenda of the Day (final details to be confirmed)
1) "Let's talk Macro: Inflation, Growth, Central Banks and the outlook of the Global Economy" (9:00 – 10:00 AM)
Marcelo Carvalho, Global Head of Economics at BNP Paribas
We kick off the day with a discussion on the latest macroeconomics developments and what's in store for 2024 - with growth consistently surprising to the upside in the US and other regions throughout the year, market prices have changed substantially to price in a "soft landing" but pundits have been discussing whether there will be a "landing" at all. With his experience at the IMF and now as Global Head of Economics at BNP Paribas, Marcelo will share his thoughts on inflation, growth and monetary policy.
2) "Equity Managers Roundtable: the State of the Market and How to Position a Portfolio in the Current Environment" (10:10 – 11:10 AM)
Frederico Torre, Portfolio Manager at Azura Partners
Satoru Matsuhashi, CEO at Nanahoshi Management
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With rates staying put and less stimulus to buy growth, another possible wave of wage pressures and the rising tide of AI, the Equities Markets Roundtable, follows on the heels of the macro outlook and will offer a unique insight into the thinking behind how Investment Managers are currently positioned, and what to watch out for in the coming months.
3) "On a wider horizon - Developments in Emerging Markets" (11:15 - 12:15 PM)
Manish Tiberwal, Co-founder of Farro Capital
Sandy Pei, Executive Director and Portfolio Manager at Federated Hermes
Nan Li, Portfolio Manager at Abu Dhabi Investment Authority
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Emerging markets equities finished the third quarter down about 3%, erasing most of the early year gains that the asset class has seen in 2023. As we look into 2024, we invite you for a lively discussion with our esteemed panel of EM experts who are present or dialled in from as far as Singapore and Hong Kong to share their views, as well as where EM investors can look to as a source of alpha in the coming year.
4) "ESG in practice - What's the latest and how to trade it" (12:30 - 1:45 PM)
Kabir Dhawan, Partner at Grant Thorton (Dubai)
Natalia Cermeño, MD and Head of Rates Structuring & ESG Structuring at Nomura
Lottie Meggitt, ESG Analyst at Independent Franchise Partner
More TBC
ESG investing has gained momentum over the last 5 years, and new research emerging shows the positive proposition it has for a company’s top-line growth, cost reductions and productivity uplift, amongst others. Do investors feel the same way? Join us as we dive into the latest on ESG investing trends, and how we can trade the trend.
Dress Business Casual