London Business School | Groups


Who are we

The Entrepreneurship Club at London Business School's aim is to provide a forum for students to network and share ideas, provide an environment that will foster innovation and entrepreneurship and help students cultivate and develop their own ideas. Whether in the context of starting their own business or working for a firm with an entrepreneurial culture the club endeavours to help students make the most of their time at business school and to equip them for the challenges they face after graduation.

What we do

The Club is a student-run organization that facilitates cooperation amongst entrepreneurs of the London Business School and the global entrepreneurship community. The Club is dedicated to fostering the spirit of entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial way of thinking at the School. We help our students and alumni find the right contacts, resources and real-world experiences necessary to start their successful business ventures either as new start-ups or in corporate environments.

How we do it

We aim to involve students from all London Business School degree programs by providing innovative events that will expand their knowledge of today's marketplace and help develop networks. The club also hosts the annual Entrepreneurship Conference held in the Spring and is involved with the Global Security Challenge hosted in November. The Entrepreneurship Club also develops links for students to other entrepreneurial activities offered through London Business School.