LBS SA Honour Code

LBS SA Honour Code

The Student Association is committed to being an open, transparent organization accountable to the student body. In an effort to maintain transparency, we are working towards uploading the minutes of our weekly Tuesday meetings, as well as any other documents we think you may find relevant. Please remain patient as we work to get these online for your viewing pleasure.

To the right, please find our honour code. We worked very hard to ensure that this code covers all aspects of what the Student Association stands for. If you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to contact us at

The Honour Code is a product of the student community at LBS. It represents standards of behaviour that students of this world-class institution may be entitled to expect of their peers. These standards are drawn from the School’s stated core values - communal, engaged, courageous, eclectic and ambitious - and intend to safeguard the unique global culture that underpins our success as a leading business school

The strength of LBS relies on the collective influence of every student who enters its classrooms. Every generation of students has a responsibility to raise the bar

Be respectful and inclusive of all members of the LBS community, and value others' experience as highly as your own

Embrace the opportunity and responsibility to shape the student experience

Hold yourself and your peers to the highest standards of honesty and integrity, dare to challenge 'accepted' methods, and voice your opinion

Approach the LBS experience with enthusiasm and passion, treating it as an opportunity to learn from the diversity of viewpoints and backgrounds inside and outside the classroom

Strive to constantly challenge yourself and the way the world does business.