Starting a Club

Club leaders and entrepreneurs drive the student experience at LBS. There are more than 70 clubs at the school today, and undoubtedly, with a group as diverse and passionate as the LBS student body, there will be opportunities to continue to tailor the clubs portfolio in service to our fellow students.

If you are interested in starting a new club, please review the SA Clubs Rationalization and Future Governance Document. It is critically important that you read this document if you are interested in starting a new club. An overview of the key requirements may be found below.

Along the year, clubs and presidents have various obligations and opportunities provided by the SA, to provide support and funds to the clubs. An overview may be found below.

Further areas are touched upon in the guidelines to ensure the well functioning of LBS’ vibrant student initiatives and community.

Should you have any further questions on how to attain Club status, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Senior Sports & Clubs Officer